Staying Sharp
a type of antioxidant found in red grapes and raw peanuts, has been
shown to help keep the mind active and sharp as people get older. It may
also prevent long-term loss of hearing.
According to a study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit,
this naturally occurring chemical "seems to protect against the body’s
inflammatory process as it relates to aging, cognition and
hearing loss."
The study tested resveratrol’s effect on rats. Equivalent studies
have yet to be conducted on humans. However, previous studies have
suggested that resveratrol can help people in many ways. Resveratrol has
been shown to:
Michael D. Seidman, the study's lead author, said, "We've shown that
by giving animals resveratrol, we can reduce the amount of hearing and
cognitive decline."
What They Found
In the study, researchers gave resveratrol to a group of test rats
prior to exposing them to prolonged loud noise. Rats given resveratrol
showed fewer instances of long-term hearing loss.
Hearing loss, though typically associated with advanced age, actually
affects more than 12 percent of American troops returning from active
duty as well. Loss of hearing also increases blood pressure, blood sugar
and triglyceride level--all of which are risk factors of
coronary heart disease.
Resveratrol has long been known to decrease inflammation, which is
the root of almost all pain, illness and disease. Inflammation is
associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and other
signs of aging.
Helping Your Family
Resveratrol can be obtained from a number of common whole-food sources.
Red grapes and red wine are probably the best known sources of
resveratrol, but neither are ideal options for reaping the benefits of
resveratrol. Both of these can wreak havoc on blood sugar levels due to
their high sugar content.
Sugar's laundry list of negative health effects greatly outweighs the
benefits of resveratrol. So, while a single glass of red wine will not
derail a person closely following the Core Plan, it should never be
consumed frequently under the guise of health benefits.
Instead, choose organic, raw peanuts and blueberries to utilize the
powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol. Raw
peanuts contain healthy, undamaged fats and are an excellent source of
energy. Blueberries are low-glycemic, and therefore will not cause wide
fluctuations in
blood sugar levels.
- If on the Advanced Plan: Snack on organic, raw
peanuts to stay full without overeating and eat blueberries to conquer
sugar cravings without disrupting blood sugar levels. Grapes contain too
much fructose and should be avoided while on the Advanced Plan.
- If on the Core Plan: Grapes are OK in
moderation, but are not ideal. Red wine should not be used as a source
of resveratrol, as the dangers of drinking greatly outweigh the positive
effects of resveratrol.
What You Can Do
To learn more about our Core and Advanced Nutrition Plans, you can contact Dr. Nick Barnes at or—if there’s no doctor in your area yet—purchase a copy of the best-selling
Maximized Living Nutrition Plans today.
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