Monday, June 24, 2013

Lacking Energy? Skip Coffee and Try These Foods

The Motivating Diet

Balancing work and personal lives can be exhausting. After a long day at work, school or a family gathering, finding the energy to go to the gym can be tough. Luckily there are many lifestyle choices that can naturally increase your energy for hard work in and out of the gym.
Nutritional choices are a big factor here. The better you eat, the better you feel. Practicing proper nutrition and tracking the timing of what you eat can do wonders to make you feel alert and powerful, says Cynthia Sass, a registered dietitian and Health magazine's nutrition and weight loss blogger. Sass explains that correctly combining natural foods will provide you with energy, without crashing later.1
Lisa Moskovitz, RD, CDN, a sports nutrition expert, counselor and registered dietitian recommends foods that include B-vitamins. Small portions of eggs and other healthy proteins will provide you with a good amount of energizing nutrients.
"B-complex vitamins work to break down carbohydrates we consume into glucose for fuel," says Moskovitz. "At the same time they help transport oxygen throughout the body."2
It's important to watch the amount of sugars and refined carbohydrates you are eating since that serving can affect your levels of energy. Try moderate portions of beans, legumes, fruits, vegetables and (if following the Core Plan) moderate-glycemic grains for energy. Processed grains like bread, white rice, most crackers, cookies, muffins, cakes, bagels, pastas do not contain fiber. Although they provide carbohydrates that can be used for energy, they are quickly released into your bloodstream due to lack of fiber, causing sudden jumps in blood sugar levels. It's important to choose high-quality grains (brown rice, millet, etc.) as opposed to processed grains to avoid crashing once it hits your bloodstream.3

False Energy

Coffee reigns as the most commonly looked-to source of energy. While some experts tout coffee's ability to boost fatty acid oxidation, utilization of carbohydrates, intensity level and focus during a traditional cardio session, there are two problems with that idea. First, coffee dehydrates the body. Second, coffee is one of the most overused "drugs" out there and using it to boost your workout performance can lead to dependence.4
The reason that we say "drug" is because drinking caffeinated beverages like coffee becomes addictive. Soon the normal cup of coffee doesn't have any effect on the consumer, so the benefits gradually increase as one develops tolerance to the drug. Commonly, addicts will consume larger amounts of caffeine and not even be affected at all, or they will crash about 20 minutes post consumption.
An alternative to coffee is Maximized Living's Max Fit. A dietary supplement made up of green coffee extract. The pill supports healthy blood glucose levels, weight/stress management and cortisol regulation. The supplement also provides glutamine, carnitine and creatine, supportive amino acids found in healthy foods. This pill will increase your energy levels without the sluggish crash and side effects of coffee.5

Other Workout Boosters


Without proper sleep, your energy levels and workout intensity droop. Try to get about eight hours of sleep per night, every night. Your body needs that down time to produce growth hormone and utilize protein to repair and maintain lean muscle. Insufficient sleep can throw off your entire routine, increasing hormonal stress levels, which will hurt your fitness regimen.6

Surge Training

Once you are in the gym, it's important to keep variety in your workout. The last thing you want is a boring routine that you don't look forward to every day. In order to keep your workout exciting and time-efficient, we recommend high-intensity interval training.
Interval training--also known as surge training--can drastically increase energy levels and helps your body tolerate the build-up of lactic acid (a natural response of a challenging workout).
Surge training also offers the ability to add variety to your fitness routine, so you never grow too comfortable or bored with a workout. Overall, surge training results in improved performance, greater speed and better endurance.7
By combining proper nutritional planning, sufficient sleep, moderate levels of caffeine and proper fitness selections, your energy will soar.

Next Steps

For more tips to improve your workout results or increase your energy levels, sign up for the Maximized Living newsletter.
To try the energy-boosting, fat-burning Max Fit, check out our online store today.



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lisa's Story: Overcoming Depression, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Sickness

"My body was ravaged by sickness and disease, my lifestyle was horrifically unhealthy, and I felt like I imagined people do when they are 90. All of this at just 31. I had struggled with various health issues since childhood, but still never dreamed it could get as bad as it did. I had a laundry list of problems: chronic sinusitis and bronchitis, allergies, migraine headaches, digestive problems, menstrual problems, insomnia, joint pain, sciatica and got an average six to eight viral infections a year. I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which brought with it muscle pain and weakness, crushing pain in my hands and feet, profound exhaustion, difficulty concentrating and focusing and even hair loss.

Basically, everything hurt all the time.I was taking all sorts of different prescriptions and over-the-counter medications every single day. I was overweight and was struggling with an eating disorder. I had also been told by various doctors that I would have to be on antidepressants for the rest of my life to deal with depression. Not a very pretty picture.

At that point, I had no hope!

After about two months of Maximized Living care, my health started improving—much to my surprise. Today, I am the healthiest I have ever been! I take no medications for anything. I have no more allergies, no more sinusitis, no more bronchitis, no more migraines, no more digestive or menstrual problems, no more insomnia, my hair quit falling out, and my pain levels have dramatically decreased. Some days, I have no pain at all! I have been delivered from depression, no longer have an eating disorder, and have lost over 40 pounds and am still losing.

My life has been truly transformed. And through all of this, I have discovered my purpose, my passion, and my destiny. I have discovered who I am."

- Lisa G.

Praise God for her healing. All we did at Maximized Living is remove the interferences so that her body could heal at 100%!

Check out to utilize the resources that we have at Maximized Living or to contact me.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Healthy Chicken Fingers Recipe

Kids love chicken nuggets and chicken tenders, but the kind you buy frozen or get at a restaurant are unhealthy and even dangerous.
Some brands on the market that are better than others and may be made with organic chicken, but they're still typically breaded with wheat breadcrumbs.
Many of the "healthy", grain-free/gluten-free recipes result in a less-than-exciting taste, have breading that just won't stay on, and lack the crispy, crunchy texture kids love. These are so tasty that you could easily bring them to your next neighborhood potluck or barbecue. (Plus, you can feel great about this grainless, gluten-free, highly nutritious chicken recipe.)
I have experimented with a lot of recipes and finally found one that passes the test. I tried multiple ingredients and convoluted recipes and ended up with one that is just three ingredients (five, if you count salt and pepper) and is fabulous.


  • 1 lb organic chicken tenders or chicken breasts, pounded thin.
  • 1/2 cup grapeseed oil Vegenaise. (This brand is readily available and has a purple top. There are other versions that use canola oil, which we do NOT recommend.)
  • 1 cup almond flour.
  • Sea salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking Instructions

  1. Season chicken with salt and pepper.
  2. Dredge in Vegenaise and then in almond flour.
  3. Place in a glass baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 – 40 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken.

Additional Options:

  • Make a lemon butter sauce for a "piccata" style dish
  • Make the chicken into chicken parmesan by adding organic spaghetti sauce and mozzerella

 Looking for more recipe ideas?

Try some of these other Core and Advanced Plan approved organic chicken recipes.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners Worsen ADHD

Fighting ADHD

Processed, sugar-laden foods have been constantly linked to increased rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Every expert acknowledges the fact that sugar is devoid of helpful nutrients. The negative impact sugar has on learning has been a major cause of concern for decades. Sugar not only provides empty calories, it's also called an "anti-nutrient." It actually blocks function and the absorption of other key nutrients the body needs to focus and function properly.
However, sugar itself is only part of the battle.
Artificial sweeteners and carbohydrate-based diets also pose many of the same problems as sugar. In the case of chemical sweeteners, these issues can be worse. Carbohydrates are converted to sugar. Therefore, an excess of carbs, particularly refined carbs, will cause similar sugar-like problems.
Chemical sweeteners affect physiology, and there are concerns these biochemical changes harm the brain.
There is no simple answer. However, we do know that a lack of vital nutrients can diminish levels of focus and self-control. These deficiencies commonly result from an over-consumption of sugar.
Sugars, and carbohydrates in general, increase drowsiness.


Swapping out sugars for nutrient rich foods has shown—in some instances—that dietary changes can improve the ability to manage ADHD in children. Because of this, a healthy diet has been referred to as "perhaps the most promising and practical complementary or alternative treatment" for ADHD.
According to recent research, proteins have shown to activate neurotransmitters in the brain that can help kids stay focused. This confirms longstanding evidence that a low-sugar diet featuring good fats and proteins will help balance blood sugar and set you up for more success in education.
Unfortunately, about 5 percent of kids are not eating the recommended amounts of protein for breakfast and lunch. Most kids require 24-30 grams of protein every day. Instead of helpful healthy proteins, children are eating more sugar, which has been linked to destructiveness and recklessness.

Avoiding Sugar

In one form or another, sugar is found in nearly all commercially processed foods. Avoiding common forms of sugar can decrease the instance of nutritional deficiency. For example:
  • High fructose corn syrup, corn sweetener
  • Dehydrated cane juice
  • Sorghum
  • Maltodextrin; dextrose
  • Molasses
  • Rice syrup
  • Saccharose; sucrose
Each of these impacts your blood stream the same way, causing your blood sugar levels to fluctuate sharply. These ingredients can also increase the fidgeting and inattentiveness characteristic of ADHD.
Sugars and sweeteners have seemingly been worked into nearly all the items on grocery store shelves. Unfortunately, the items that satiate a sweet tooth can worsen ADHD, while also interfering with blood sugar levels and promoting the storage of fat—both factors that increase risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Preventing Sugar Burnout

The Maximized Living Advanced Plan takes a head-on approach to eliminating sugars and the grains that turn to sugar from the diet. There are many alternatives to sweeteners that are a healthy part of this diet. It can help people of all ages who are struggling with attention—in or out of school.