1. Adaptogens: Adaptogens are an amazing class of herbs that help you literally adapt to mental or physical stress.
- Ashwagandha - In a few of our ML Supplements!
- Maca
- Rhodiola
- Schisandra
- Tulsi - Can be found in tea form
- Panax Ginseng
- Eleuthero
2. Vitamin C with BioFlavinoids: The lowly vitamin C is actually a power player for our adrenal glands. It is needed to make all our steroid hormones (including progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.) I love squeezing a whole or half lemon into water and optionally adding a little liquid stevia as an afternoon pick-me-up. Peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts are other great sources.
- Ask us about the Vit C BioFizz Powder! We can order it and get it shipped to your home
- Taking 1,000 - 3,000 mg per day is safe for you
3. Vitex (Chaste Tree): Vitex or chaste tree is a very popular female tonic these days. I read posts in online forums of women singing its praises as a miracle herb. I would caution that there is no one miracle herb, and vitex is not a fit for every woman. However I have seen it help women bring their cycles back. Vitex is thought to work on the hypothalamus pituitary axis to stimulate signaling to the ovaries. For some women, this is just the push their body needs. For other women, this approach may be too 'upstream,' and may cause some adverse symptoms like depression or irritability. Perhaps these women need more of a nutritional approach, stress reduction, etc.
4. Glandulars: Now we are journeying into a stranger hormonal option. Glandulars are processed bits of animal gland, such as adrenal gland, ovary gland or pituitary gland, distributed only through practitioners who use them. You can only get these through a prescription from a Holistic MD.
5. Magnesium: Magnesium is also needed to make your steroid hormones. It is often deficient in our diets due to soil deficiency and a lack of vegetables. We also have an especially high demand for it to calm our central nervous system, which tends to be way overstimulated in our modern world. In women, magnesium levels fluctuate quite a bit. When hormone levels are higher, magnesium is lower. This is partly why some women tend to crave chocolate before their periods; we replete magnesium through the cocoa. Choose high-quality 70% + dark chocolate though, not a Kit Kat bar that will further deplete your nutrients with all the sugar. There are many types of magnesium. Magnesium citrate is a common type, but can move your bowels. If you don't want this, consider magnesium glycinate, which is non-laxative, absorbable, and has some extra calming properties.
- ML has a liquid Pro Magnesium that makes for better absorption
Remember the most important thing your body needs to have your reproductive organs functioning and healing at 100% is proper nerve supply! Nutritional therapy is huge, but if the organs are not functioning, nutrition won’t do much. We heal from ADIO (Above, Down, Inside, Out)…Do not ignore or neglect your nervous system.
Keep your POWER ON!
Dr. Nick Barnes is on a mission to transform the way you view and manage your health in order to prevent and reverse sickness and disease!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
How To Treat Your Colds and Viral Sore Throats
How to Treat Your Colds and Viral Sore Throats
How Do I Catch a Cold?
The humble cold is the most common infectious disease in the U.S. It accounts for more absences from school and work than any other illness. It is the leading cause of patient visits to physicians. It is not easy to catch a cold. Your body's natural defenses usually fight off these viruses. There is a direct relation between your risk of catching a cold and the amount of time spent in contact with an infected person. That is why families tend to get sick together.
The most common route of infection is not from coughing or sneezing, or walking barefoot in the rain, but from hand-to-hand contact. That is why when you have a cold, washing your hands frequently is so important. The likelihood of you becoming a victim of the cold virus increases however, if you are overtired or physically exhausted. Children under two generally get 10-12 colds a year, especially if they are in daycare. Older children and young adults get about 6 colds per year. After the age of 30 the number starts to decrease to about two per year.
How Long Will It Last?
Most uncomplicated colds last between eight and nine days, but about 25% last two weeks, and 5-10% last three weeks.
What Should I Do for Treatment?
1. Get adjusted twice daily for the next 3-5 days then drop down to daily for a week.
2. Warm baths in Epsom salt with 2-4 drops of lavender and eucalyptus at least once per day
3. Soup, Broths, Herbal Teas does help the symptoms. Make the soup and broths hot and spicy with plenty of pepper. The spices will trigger a sudden release of watery fluids in the mouth, throat, and lungs. This will help thin down the respiratory mucus, so it's easier to cough up and expel.
4. Melaleuca Oil topically on side of throat and behind ears (mix with a little coconut oil)
5. Hydrogen Peroxide in ears and let bubble for 1-2 minutes
6. It will be very important to stop all milk products. This includes not only milk, but ice cream, all yogurts except plain, and especially cheese. Lactaid milk is NOT acceptable. This step is helpful to decrease the extra mucous that dairy products can cause you to produce.
7. Rest. It is important to rest and take it easy throughout the time you are ill. The time you are ill may be longer if you do not allow yourself to recuperate and recover completely. If you exercise regularly, you needn't stop. However, you should definitely cut back on the intensity until you feel better.
8. Wash your hands frequently and try to keep them away from your nose and eyes. Use disposable tissues as opposed to cloth handkerchiefs. If you are caring for a child with a cold, PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS every time you have to wipe their nose. This will protect you from being infected. Dove soap is the mildest soap that you can use for this purpose.
9. Drink plenty of fluids.
Water is the best. Try to drink at least eight to ten glasses a day. This will help the stuffiness and help the secretions loosen. Avoid using tap water, use bottled or filtered water to limit your exposure to chlorine. You can put lemon juice in your water or also try green tea as a water alternative
10. Supplements exist to improve nutritional status when diet or lifestyle changes aren’t feasible. Best supplements to take are Probiotics, Vitamin C (500-2,000mg every 1-2hrs), Vitamin D, Multivitamins, antiviral essential oils
11. Eating refined sugars weakens your immune system and promotes yeast overgrowth. This includes ALL non-diet pops which have eight teaspoons of sugar per can. Honey, molasses, maple syrup, date sugar, cane sugar, corn sugar, beet sugar, corn syrup, fructose, lactose, and other refined carbohydrates are known promoters of yeast growth. Reducing or eliminating these in your diet will help your immune system.
12. Many people will start to drink large amounts of orange juice when they are sick. All the simple sugars (fructose) in the juice will actually make you worse. Try to avoid ALL juices, including organic juices or ones with no sugar added; Gatorade type sports drinks also need to be avoided.
Why Should I Avoid An Antibiotic?
More than 300 different viruses can cause colds. Each time you have a cold it is caused by a distinct virus (i.e. adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, coronavirus). A virus is much smaller than bacteria. It is a tiny cluster of genetic material surrounded by a protein wrapper.
Medical science currently does not have any drugs that can kill these viruses. Antibiotics, including penicillin, DO NOT have any effect on viruses.
Even the healthiest of people can be burdened with a cold or flu. Instead of running to the doctor to get an antibiotic; follow these 12 steps and you can get over most colds and flu! We want you to stay healthy during the “cold season”- so make sure to stay the course and keep up the good work!
How Do I Catch a Cold?
The humble cold is the most common infectious disease in the U.S. It accounts for more absences from school and work than any other illness. It is the leading cause of patient visits to physicians. It is not easy to catch a cold. Your body's natural defenses usually fight off these viruses. There is a direct relation between your risk of catching a cold and the amount of time spent in contact with an infected person. That is why families tend to get sick together.
The most common route of infection is not from coughing or sneezing, or walking barefoot in the rain, but from hand-to-hand contact. That is why when you have a cold, washing your hands frequently is so important. The likelihood of you becoming a victim of the cold virus increases however, if you are overtired or physically exhausted. Children under two generally get 10-12 colds a year, especially if they are in daycare. Older children and young adults get about 6 colds per year. After the age of 30 the number starts to decrease to about two per year.
How Long Will It Last?
Most uncomplicated colds last between eight and nine days, but about 25% last two weeks, and 5-10% last three weeks.
What Should I Do for Treatment?
1. Get adjusted twice daily for the next 3-5 days then drop down to daily for a week.
2. Warm baths in Epsom salt with 2-4 drops of lavender and eucalyptus at least once per day
3. Soup, Broths, Herbal Teas does help the symptoms. Make the soup and broths hot and spicy with plenty of pepper. The spices will trigger a sudden release of watery fluids in the mouth, throat, and lungs. This will help thin down the respiratory mucus, so it's easier to cough up and expel.
4. Melaleuca Oil topically on side of throat and behind ears (mix with a little coconut oil)
5. Hydrogen Peroxide in ears and let bubble for 1-2 minutes
6. It will be very important to stop all milk products. This includes not only milk, but ice cream, all yogurts except plain, and especially cheese. Lactaid milk is NOT acceptable. This step is helpful to decrease the extra mucous that dairy products can cause you to produce.
7. Rest. It is important to rest and take it easy throughout the time you are ill. The time you are ill may be longer if you do not allow yourself to recuperate and recover completely. If you exercise regularly, you needn't stop. However, you should definitely cut back on the intensity until you feel better.
8. Wash your hands frequently and try to keep them away from your nose and eyes. Use disposable tissues as opposed to cloth handkerchiefs. If you are caring for a child with a cold, PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS every time you have to wipe their nose. This will protect you from being infected. Dove soap is the mildest soap that you can use for this purpose.
9. Drink plenty of fluids.
Water is the best. Try to drink at least eight to ten glasses a day. This will help the stuffiness and help the secretions loosen. Avoid using tap water, use bottled or filtered water to limit your exposure to chlorine. You can put lemon juice in your water or also try green tea as a water alternative
10. Supplements exist to improve nutritional status when diet or lifestyle changes aren’t feasible. Best supplements to take are Probiotics, Vitamin C (500-2,000mg every 1-2hrs), Vitamin D, Multivitamins, antiviral essential oils
11. Eating refined sugars weakens your immune system and promotes yeast overgrowth. This includes ALL non-diet pops which have eight teaspoons of sugar per can. Honey, molasses, maple syrup, date sugar, cane sugar, corn sugar, beet sugar, corn syrup, fructose, lactose, and other refined carbohydrates are known promoters of yeast growth. Reducing or eliminating these in your diet will help your immune system.
12. Many people will start to drink large amounts of orange juice when they are sick. All the simple sugars (fructose) in the juice will actually make you worse. Try to avoid ALL juices, including organic juices or ones with no sugar added; Gatorade type sports drinks also need to be avoided.
Why Should I Avoid An Antibiotic?
More than 300 different viruses can cause colds. Each time you have a cold it is caused by a distinct virus (i.e. adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, coronavirus). A virus is much smaller than bacteria. It is a tiny cluster of genetic material surrounded by a protein wrapper.
Medical science currently does not have any drugs that can kill these viruses. Antibiotics, including penicillin, DO NOT have any effect on viruses.
Even the healthiest of people can be burdened with a cold or flu. Instead of running to the doctor to get an antibiotic; follow these 12 steps and you can get over most colds and flu! We want you to stay healthy during the “cold season”- so make sure to stay the course and keep up the good work!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Ketones Killing Cancer
This is an article that was just published on The Truth about Cancer website...
Ketone Bodies Feed Your Brain, Not Cancer
The brain needs glucose 24 hours a day to function. Since sugar feeds cancer, the brain is taking in sugar 24 hours a day and the cancer is being fed 24 hours per day. However, if you understand the brain, you will also know there is another FUEL the brain will use and prefers over sugar – it’s ketone bodies or keto acids. Ketones are what your body produces when it converts fat (as opposed to glucose) into energy.
I made the switch immediately to get my body in ketosis, so the only fuel my brain was getting was ketone bodies. Normal healthy brain cells use ketones for fuel but cancer cells (because their mitochondria is damaged) cannot use ketone bodies and the cancer begins to die. I still monitor my body to make sure my sugars are low and I am in ketosis.
Toxins Destroy the Brain
There are many toxins that can pass the blood brain barrier and affect the brain. You have to minimize your exposure to toxins immediately.
Example: Environmental toxins, heavy metals, household products and cleaners, perfumes, colognes, lotions, etc. One of the hardest toxicities that damages your brain are artificial sweeteners, sucralose, Splenda®, Sweet N Low®, etc. Say NO to sugar-free processed foods that contain these artificial sweeteners, along with diet sodas, diet drinks or pretty much “diet” anything. You must read your labels. But then again, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, salad greens, etc. don’t need labels. They are real foods. Eat more of those and minimize the processed foods!
Test....Don’t Guess
Cancer is always secondary. You need to run tests to find the cause(s) of your cancer and monitor those.
Here is a brief list of some of the more important tests to do:
Toxicity Tests
Vitamin D
Hormone Panel
Thyroid panel
Fatty Acid Ratio
Leaky Gut
Leaky Brain
Food Sensitivities (IgG, IgA)
Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat – It Makes You Healthy
My favorite healthy fat I eat all day long is coconut oil. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) and they are a great source of ketone bodies, since coconut oil is about 66 percent MCTs. Every meal and snack has to include lots of healthy fats as well as drinking a ketogenic shake 3-4 times per day. This is the easiest way to stay in ketosis and produce ketone bodies.
Stop Inflammation!
Whatever affects the colon, affects the brain immediately! I ask my patients this, “if you were to drink 3 shots of whiskey, how fast would your brain feel it?” They say, “immediately.” That’s because the colon affects the brain immediately. You have to stop inflammation and stop damaging your colon immediately and repair it.
What will damage and create inflammation in your gut and then in your brain?
Food sensitivities
Medications (NSAIDs, birth control, pain medications, etc.)
Bad fats, caffeine, processed soy, and alcohol
High and low cortisol (excess stress)
This is just the beginning steps to reversing brain cancer. All cancers are a multi-factorial and multi-system failure. You didn’t get cancer and then get sick, you have been sick and toxic for years and THEN you got cancer. The cancer is secondary, not primary. The only cure for cancer is to get to the cause(s).
To see the full article click the link below:
Ketone Bodies Feed Your Brain, Not Cancer
The brain needs glucose 24 hours a day to function. Since sugar feeds cancer, the brain is taking in sugar 24 hours a day and the cancer is being fed 24 hours per day. However, if you understand the brain, you will also know there is another FUEL the brain will use and prefers over sugar – it’s ketone bodies or keto acids. Ketones are what your body produces when it converts fat (as opposed to glucose) into energy.
I made the switch immediately to get my body in ketosis, so the only fuel my brain was getting was ketone bodies. Normal healthy brain cells use ketones for fuel but cancer cells (because their mitochondria is damaged) cannot use ketone bodies and the cancer begins to die. I still monitor my body to make sure my sugars are low and I am in ketosis.
Toxins Destroy the Brain
There are many toxins that can pass the blood brain barrier and affect the brain. You have to minimize your exposure to toxins immediately.
Example: Environmental toxins, heavy metals, household products and cleaners, perfumes, colognes, lotions, etc. One of the hardest toxicities that damages your brain are artificial sweeteners, sucralose, Splenda®, Sweet N Low®, etc. Say NO to sugar-free processed foods that contain these artificial sweeteners, along with diet sodas, diet drinks or pretty much “diet” anything. You must read your labels. But then again, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, salad greens, etc. don’t need labels. They are real foods. Eat more of those and minimize the processed foods!
Test....Don’t Guess
Cancer is always secondary. You need to run tests to find the cause(s) of your cancer and monitor those.
Here is a brief list of some of the more important tests to do:
Toxicity Tests
Vitamin D
Hormone Panel
Thyroid panel
Fatty Acid Ratio
Leaky Gut
Leaky Brain
Food Sensitivities (IgG, IgA)
Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat – It Makes You Healthy
My favorite healthy fat I eat all day long is coconut oil. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) and they are a great source of ketone bodies, since coconut oil is about 66 percent MCTs. Every meal and snack has to include lots of healthy fats as well as drinking a ketogenic shake 3-4 times per day. This is the easiest way to stay in ketosis and produce ketone bodies.
Stop Inflammation!
Whatever affects the colon, affects the brain immediately! I ask my patients this, “if you were to drink 3 shots of whiskey, how fast would your brain feel it?” They say, “immediately.” That’s because the colon affects the brain immediately. You have to stop inflammation and stop damaging your colon immediately and repair it.
What will damage and create inflammation in your gut and then in your brain?
Food sensitivities
Medications (NSAIDs, birth control, pain medications, etc.)
Bad fats, caffeine, processed soy, and alcohol
High and low cortisol (excess stress)
This is just the beginning steps to reversing brain cancer. All cancers are a multi-factorial and multi-system failure. You didn’t get cancer and then get sick, you have been sick and toxic for years and THEN you got cancer. The cancer is secondary, not primary. The only cure for cancer is to get to the cause(s).
To see the full article click the link below:
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
4 Drinks You Must Avoid!
Here are 4 drinks YOU MUST avoid as much as possible if you want to be truly healthy:
1. 100% Fruit Juice - Sugar, sugar and more sugar...While 100% fruit juice is a better choice than drinking some fake high-fructose corn syrup juice, it still has almost all of the blood sugar regulating fiber stripped out of the fruit, potentially creating a fat storing bonanza in your body, lowers the immune system and sets you up for disease.
2. Soy Milk - Without question, most soy milk has become too sugary and is controlled by the same food and beverage giants that are still manufacturing and marketing other products that promote degenerative disease. Also MOST soy is genetically modified (GMO) and making you sicker not healthier.
3. Frappuccino – This tempting choice of HIGH SUGAR coffee also hides several hundreds of calories in one drink, and before you know it you might down up to 500 calories while talking with friends at the coffee shop making yourself SICK!
4. Zero Calorie Flavored Waters – Trying to trick you with 0-calorie claims, most of these still use artificial sweeteners that have been proven to block the absorption of nutrients into your body in a variety of studies and also destroys your health.
1. 100% Fruit Juice - Sugar, sugar and more sugar...While 100% fruit juice is a better choice than drinking some fake high-fructose corn syrup juice, it still has almost all of the blood sugar regulating fiber stripped out of the fruit, potentially creating a fat storing bonanza in your body, lowers the immune system and sets you up for disease.
2. Soy Milk - Without question, most soy milk has become too sugary and is controlled by the same food and beverage giants that are still manufacturing and marketing other products that promote degenerative disease. Also MOST soy is genetically modified (GMO) and making you sicker not healthier.
3. Frappuccino – This tempting choice of HIGH SUGAR coffee also hides several hundreds of calories in one drink, and before you know it you might down up to 500 calories while talking with friends at the coffee shop making yourself SICK!
4. Zero Calorie Flavored Waters – Trying to trick you with 0-calorie claims, most of these still use artificial sweeteners that have been proven to block the absorption of nutrients into your body in a variety of studies and also destroys your health.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Alkaline Water, Good or Bad?
A Special Message from Dr. Charles Majors...
Alkaline water! Scam or Cancer Prevention?
The alkaline sales people will tell you that drinking alkaline water will prevent and reverse cancer (I used to believe that as well). Why? Because a majority of cancer patients are acidic, so if they're acidic, then creating an alkaline environment would reverse their cancer, right? Wrong!
1. Cancer cells will make their own acidity even in an alkaline environment.
2. Cancer cells are killed by ACID, this is why IV vitamin C (ascorbic acid) works so well.
3. Your stomach is ACID and drinking alkaline water does nothing but ALKALIZE your stomach creating hypochordia (low stomach acid) Acid in your stomach is essential to break down foods, kill parasites, kill H-pylori bacteria, prevent ulcers and help liver in methylation.
4. One of the problems with extremely alkaline conditions (called alkalosis) is that normal, healthy cells die when conditions become too alkaline.
You cannot make your body ALKALINE by drinking alkaline water, your body is designed to adjust to its optimal pH balance no matter what you eat or drink. Once you drink alkaline water and it enters your stomach, your body simply pours in greater amounts of acid to neutralize it.
Your body is designed to keep itself in BALANCE. Too acidic or too alkaline is not healthy, the body HAS TO HAVE a pH of 7.25, slightly alkaline. Regardless of what you eat or drink, the body maintains its pH balance. Your urine might be affected by the pH of what you eat, but your blood will not be. Too bad the marketers for alkaline water don’t share that little fact with you.
If someone, even a doctor, tells you Cancer can be reversed or prevented with a few simple steps, RUN! Every cancer is multi-factorial, multi-system failure and requires and multi-system approach to get to the Cause(s)- read, Cancer Killers- The Cause is the Cure!
Have a blessed day!
Alkaline water! Scam or Cancer Prevention?
The alkaline sales people will tell you that drinking alkaline water will prevent and reverse cancer (I used to believe that as well). Why? Because a majority of cancer patients are acidic, so if they're acidic, then creating an alkaline environment would reverse their cancer, right? Wrong!
1. Cancer cells will make their own acidity even in an alkaline environment.
2. Cancer cells are killed by ACID, this is why IV vitamin C (ascorbic acid) works so well.
3. Your stomach is ACID and drinking alkaline water does nothing but ALKALIZE your stomach creating hypochordia (low stomach acid) Acid in your stomach is essential to break down foods, kill parasites, kill H-pylori bacteria, prevent ulcers and help liver in methylation.
4. One of the problems with extremely alkaline conditions (called alkalosis) is that normal, healthy cells die when conditions become too alkaline.
You cannot make your body ALKALINE by drinking alkaline water, your body is designed to adjust to its optimal pH balance no matter what you eat or drink. Once you drink alkaline water and it enters your stomach, your body simply pours in greater amounts of acid to neutralize it.
Your body is designed to keep itself in BALANCE. Too acidic or too alkaline is not healthy, the body HAS TO HAVE a pH of 7.25, slightly alkaline. Regardless of what you eat or drink, the body maintains its pH balance. Your urine might be affected by the pH of what you eat, but your blood will not be. Too bad the marketers for alkaline water don’t share that little fact with you.
If someone, even a doctor, tells you Cancer can be reversed or prevented with a few simple steps, RUN! Every cancer is multi-factorial, multi-system failure and requires and multi-system approach to get to the Cause(s)- read, Cancer Killers- The Cause is the Cure!
Have a blessed day!
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Do You Want Your BIGGEST Worry And Fear To Be Gone?
The biggest worry of almost everyone is their HEALTH. The biggest FEAR is CANCER!
The more you know, the more you can prepare and the you can create the plan to NEVER worry or be in fear again of Cancer.
Most people are hungry for more knowledge, and they won’t settle for less. They want that competitive edge. They want to win and learn everything they can about NEVER fearing Cancer again.

On October 17th at our BIGGEST Event of the year, Cancer Killers - A Woman's Guide to Wellness, you will learn to overcome any obstacle and find a way to win!
We have already sold over 100 tickets, call NOW to reserve your seat - 314-942-8608
At this event you will learn:
1. How to balance your hormones to NOT only feel amazing again but also to DECREASE your risk of being diagnosed with a Hormonal Cancer.
2. The Cause(s) of cancer and how to get to the cause. Getting to the cause is the only CURE!
3. True prevention is not getting mammograms, MRIs, cat scans and blood tests. Learn how to truly PREVENT cancer.
4. Learn the 3 steps for reversing and preventing ANY cancer.
This event will be SOLD OUT!!! It will be held at The Rock Church (Brentwood) from 10 am - 12:30 pm. Don't miss this once in a lifetime event.
GET TICKETS HERE: https://cancerkillersthecauseisthecure.eventbrite.com
The more you know, the more you can prepare and the you can create the plan to NEVER worry or be in fear again of Cancer.
Most people are hungry for more knowledge, and they won’t settle for less. They want that competitive edge. They want to win and learn everything they can about NEVER fearing Cancer again.
On October 17th at our BIGGEST Event of the year, Cancer Killers - A Woman's Guide to Wellness, you will learn to overcome any obstacle and find a way to win!
We have already sold over 100 tickets, call NOW to reserve your seat - 314-942-8608
At this event you will learn:
1. How to balance your hormones to NOT only feel amazing again but also to DECREASE your risk of being diagnosed with a Hormonal Cancer.
2. The Cause(s) of cancer and how to get to the cause. Getting to the cause is the only CURE!
3. True prevention is not getting mammograms, MRIs, cat scans and blood tests. Learn how to truly PREVENT cancer.
4. Learn the 3 steps for reversing and preventing ANY cancer.
This event will be SOLD OUT!!! It will be held at The Rock Church (Brentwood) from 10 am - 12:30 pm. Don't miss this once in a lifetime event.
GET TICKETS HERE: https://cancerkillersthecauseisthecure.eventbrite.com
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Statin Medications Are Not The Answer
If you have read most of my other newsletters you will already know, lowering your cholesterol can be very dangerous and unhealthy for you. Your body and your brain NEEDS cholesterol to function. Every symptom is the body doing the right thing at the right time. Your liver is producing more cholesterol to help protect your brain and also to make every hormone in your body, and these are just some examples.
An article done years ago, entitled, "Statins for stroke prevention: disappointment and hope" had been published in the peer reviewed journal Circulationin 2004. In the article, the authors point out that "Epidemiological and observational studies have not shown a clear association between cholesterol levels and all causes of stroke." So they set out to discover if lowering cholesterol levels was an effective way to decrease the risk for strokes.
The researchers combined the data from nine different trials that studied the effect of statin drugs to reduce strokes. The trials included 70,070 men and women. The findings were worse than dismal for the drugs. Overall, statin drugs decreased the risk less than 1% of the time. The authors concluded, "Statins have not yet been shown to reduce stroke risk in the typical general population, nor have they been shown to prevent recurrent stroke in patients with prior stroke."
So - if its not cholesterol causing strokes, what is it then? It's not the cholesterol, its the INFLAMMATION of the cholesterol. If your cholesterol is low but that cholesterol inflames, it will thicken up, harden up, and it can create a stroke or heart attack.
The key to diminishing your chance of a stroke or a heart attack is STOPPING and REDUCING your inflammation.
Here are the steps to reducing inflammation.
1. Follow ML advanced plan eating. This diet keeps your sugars low, reduces your bad fats and increases your foods that bring down inflammation. (Recipes and step by step instructions of the diet are in our Maximized Living Nutrition book)
Increase supplements that reduce inflammation:
2. Balance your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Take ML Optimal Omega!
3. Curcumin/Turmeric is a scientifically proven inflammation buster. A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene found that curcumin (found in turmeric) was found to be an effective alternative to allopathic drugs as an anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative agent against tumor cells. Be sure to buy the organic non-irradiated version of this healing spice.
Get Daily Defense!
4. Like turmeric, ginger is also a powerful anti-inflammatory food. Ginger contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. The February 2005 issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reported that ginger suppressed the main pro-inflammatory compounds cytokine and chemokine.
5. Fix your Gut. Probiotics are necessary to maintain a healthy flora balance between good and bad bacteria in your gut, enabling your immune system to function effectively. Probiotics also relieve intestinal inflammation. Your gut and the probiotic organisms who live there comprise 80% of your immune system. A study published in Pathogens, a publication of the Public Library of Science, demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and pathogen protection benefits of probiotics beyond the gastrointestinal tract. This is an amazing product to help heal the gut. Get Max GI!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Does Your Sunscreen Cause Cancer?
Summer is here and we’re cautioned to use sunscreen at all times in order to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful rays. The funny thing is, most of the sunscreens on the market can potentially be more harmful to our bodies than the sun is.
Although sunburns and too much UV exposure are absolutely not healthy for our skin, it’s pretty ironic that the very thing we’re told to do to protect ourselves – applying generous amounts of chemical-laden sunscreen – can actually contribute to cancer and disrupt our hormonal functioning. Makes you re-think your habit of slathering on sunblock before going into the sun, right?
While I don’t recommend prolonged laying in the sun, getting 15-30 minutes of the sun's rays (without sunscreen) can be very beneficial, depending on where you live and the time of day! The skin needs to be bare and sunblock-free in order to optimize production of all-important vitamin D, which is crucial for immune system function and cancer prevention. After 15-30 minutes, though, it’s important to protect yourself from burns. Make sure to wear a hat, protective clothing, and choose a healthier, safer sunscreen.
More and more research is proving that raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D level to 40 to 60 ng/mL would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer each year, and three fourths of deaths from these diseases in the United States and Canada, based on observational studies combined with a randomized trial. Such intakes also are expected to reduce case-fatality rates of patients who have breast, colorectal, or prostate cancer by half.
The best way to raise your Vitamin D levels is to supplement Vitamin D3.
Adults - 5000ius day
Children - 2000ius day
The best Vitamin D3 is MaximizedLiving® Vitamin D3 + Probiotics® it is a whole food formula featuring 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3, 10 billion CFU of Probiotics and FOS Prebiotics. Pick up this week in our office, we have a limited supply, or click here to order NOW!
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