7 All-Natural Solutions for High Blood Pressure
1. Address Nerve Damage.The University of Chicago did a study several years back and found that if the top bone in your neck is out of position, and it puts pressure on the vagus nerve, it would actually increase your blood pressure. If you went to a chiropractor, got x-rays and pre- and post-testing, and got this area aligned properly you can lower your blood pressure by two medications combined. They found a 17-point drop in blood pressure repeated several times with patients, just by addressing the nerves. Start from the inside. 3
2. Hawthorne.
A botanical that is a natural diuretic which helps address water retention. At the same time, it is an ACE inhibitor, a beta blocker as well as a calcium channel blocker. Hawthorne is very powerful, it helps to relax the muscles, reduces vascular tone, and lowers the blood pressure. Studies show that it stimulates nitric oxide to be produced, which also relaxes and helps bring the blood pressure down. It's high in bioflavonoids--antioxidants that are very heart-friendly. Hawthorne has also been shown, as a side note, to trigger triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL to decrease. All of this is backed up by the research. We already know this information, but when's the last time your doctor told you about Hawthorne as a botanical to address your blood pressure?4
3. Pomegranate.
According to studies, pomegranate reduces your blood pressure because it's really high in tannin and antioxidant levels. Studies have also shown that it decreases your LDL, and stops the formation of atherosclerosis and hardening your arteries. Pomegranate is an ACE inhibitor and it will lower it by 36%. It also lowers your blood pressure by 5%.5 It is a great, safe alternative.
4. Taurine.
Really high in sulfur content, it helps lower your blood pressure. It's a natural diuretic and is an ACE inhibitor. 6 As long as these and other supplements are not taking at therapeutic, high doses, they have virtually no side effects.
5. Magnesium.
I love using magnesium for many different problems. It’s really good and very healthy for the heart and all muscles of your body. Magnesium has actually been shown in studies to decrease your top number of blood pressure 5.6, and your bottom number 2.8.7 This means that if you were running at 160 over 90, it would literally lower it down to 154 over 87, just by taking a proper amount of magnesium (400 milligrams on a daily basis). You can split that into two doses or take it in one dose. It's a calcium channel blocker that increases nitric oxide, and studies have literally proven that there's a direct correlation between low magnesium numbers and high blood pressure numbers.8
6. Alpha Lipoic Acid.
This is a powerful antioxidant which I personally use on a regular basis because it's such a good antioxidant. It's very heart-friendly and it does help reduce hypertension. Alpha lipoic acid and several of the herbs handle oxidative stress.9
7. Sugar Fast.
High blood sugar is often correlated to high blood pressure. The solution is all about weight and your diet. A proper sugar fast to get all forms of sugar out has a dramatic impact on the high blood pressure itself. High blood sugar also damages the kidneys by putting a strain on them, affecting how you absorb minerals, and how you get rid of fluid. Too many patients that I've come across over the years have to do dialysis because they never got this under control. The more weight that you lose, the less your heart has to work and pump. The less blood flow is actually needed, so naturally, your blood pressure will go down. Your kidneys will thank you too.
With 340 million children that are now obese worldwide our kids need a sugar fast too. It is why we are now seeing an ever-increasing number of children with diabetes and hypertension. 10
Are you dealing with one of these blood pressure issues? There are many good health solutions out there. This one is my favorite. Of course, you want to be smart about it. Contact a health provider to understand your blood pressure before you ever change a medication or come off of it altogether.Written by my colleague, Dr. Blake Livingood